I am not sure that there shouldn't be some kind of test for people who come to vote. Little things like "can they read and understand the ballot" or even "can they read". I do not understand, for instance, how people can vote for Trump who is a known liar. I have heard some claim that is not true. I wonder how many voters ask somebody what they do to vote for Trump without any idea of how to vote. If you listen to ANY of what he says there will be a lie in there some place. The man just cannot tell the truth all the time. I suspect you are waaay ahead of what we have to deal with when it comes to voters. I think you are assuming that voters are smart enough to know what they are doing - that's a lot more faith than I have.

I get stuff from Trump all the time. I have no idea why. A couple of days ago he wrote to say that he would pay for my plane ticket and a place to stay if I wanted to go down there to visit with him. It was VERY strange. I think he wanted money.

I just don't understand the political party thing. The Democrats kinda have a view I can grasp but the Republicans - not so much. The Republicans are like a group of folks who have joined up in some kinda of social club that has no real reason for existence except for the social thing and the fact that they can claim to be a member. I am not convinced that most have even a clue when it comes to "member of what".

I was not aware that so many had even thought that Biden couldn't survive another time and the Harris thing. I kinda like her because she was competent in her past job and seems to be handling her current one with dexterity. I imagine the female thing might make a difference but that doesn't bother me at all and might be a good thing.

Everything considered I sincerely hope that Biden wins the election. If he doesn't the United States will turn into some kind of zoo. He, and those who will work for him, are REALLY figuring out what they are going to do and its scary. Its also a mess with a virtual wish list of insanity. The only good thing is that every little plan has another plan which they can fight over. Its as if the current congressional house will become the national administration. I can see nothing but disaster, starting with Russia 'helping' run America and goes down from there. I know, and am hopefully wrong............