The immigration thing. None of it seems to make any sense as defined by the talking heads of TV. The following has been how I think it works (or not).

People want to come to the United States for asylum if they have suffered persecution due to
membership in a particular social group,
or political opinion.
and have the proof therein. This is the current law (not only for America but, basically, for all of Europe as well! The problem is that we simply don't have enough judges to handle the load which, I think, has reached a million plus people. So, rather than make them wait we allow them to come and and give them a date to appear before a judge to make the decision whether they have valid reasons or must go back to where they came from.

Trump, by presidential fiat, made a health rule (title 42 of our code) that allows a health worker can refuse anybody entry for anything and they have to go away. This is against not only American law but, pretty much, all of Europe's s well. Biden, therefore, is ignoring title 42 whilst trying to get rid of it.

Waiting for the court thing to rule on their asylum has lasted over 3 years! The reason we are doing what we are is that if we don't there are more sneaking across, more having problems waiting, and that tends to upset a number of Americans as well as the country of Mexico who has to deal with the thousands waiting.

The real problem is that lack of judges and a waiting period of, literally, years. This is on the United States due to a law and an inability to setup a court system that would give answer quickly. I also suspect that real reason is that it would cost million or billions to set up such a system even if they could find enough judges to fill the bill. (I really have no idea).

It also appears as if the whining of the conservatives are mostly lies and their claim are, for the most part, wrong. Apparently between 80% to 90% of those allowed entry show up for their court cases. Out of that approximately 50% don't get in.

The conservative believes that our government is letting everybody into the United states and some of those on the southern border claim that the left is breaking the law and everything is the fault of the present administration of President Biden. They are wrong about most of what they claim but they continue because its a subject that helps them win elections. The Dems, on the other hand, are really explaining very little and are above arguing with the Republicans about it because they are doing the humanitarian thing.

TV reports all this stuff but just what's happening in real time. Rarely does anybody mention why's and wherefores of the entire mess. Both parties are responsible for not fixing the problem because there are really nothing that can be done without offending somebody.

Mexico, right now, is experiencing something like an 80% drought, Latin America is not in better position. In not too long the southern border is REALLY going to get hit with starving people. The United States will simply not have the capacity to save everybody likely to starve in Mexico and Latin America. I guess I should mention that our Midwestern farming areas are also experiencing drought. I suspect that we should continue to fix the entire wall for that time because if folks think this is bad its going to get a LOT worse. I also don't think we have a government capable of actually putting, and funding, a system that really functions.

Now, however, we have a problem which, I suspect, is, at least in part, being solved by those immigrants which have been let in. We really need people to fill existing jobs and, again, I suspect many of those who entered are filling them. Our birthrate is simply not filling the holes left by those who leave and it continues to decline. Its just not America, there are countries in Europe who give mothers rewards if they have children - its a worldwide sorta deal.

I also suspect that it might not hurt if we were to get into bigtime desalinization of ocean water. Water is becoming, more and more, to be going away and without water we all die. Given that the oceans are rising it might also help in that regard. We would also need a lot of immigrants to help build the pipelines that would be needed. Modular nukes could do the job but not in the United States because we really don't like 'em. (just thought I would throw that in)