Capitol Hill Blue

Netanyahu Says Never to a State for Palestinians

now THAT is a shocker....fnord

either he has totally changed his position
maybe he has just enunciated what has been his real position all along
maybe failure of negotiations is not entirely to be blamed on those danged Palestinians
because actually Netanyahu never wanted an agreement

maybe israeli participation in negotiations was just dog whistle politics

maybe bombing the bejezus out of palestine was about more than self defense
Israel's own little Governor Wallace.
The man has wasted our time for more than a decade with phony peace talks when all along he was never serious to begin with.
Originally Posted by Ardy
Netanyahu Says Never to a State for Palestinians
Nutandyahoo isn't going to win tomorrow, anyway - that March 3rd thingy did him in at home.

Greta has the wing nuts all riled-up and forming and frothing at the mouth.

I gave her good "shame on you for this thread!"
Jeffrey said:
Israel's own little Governor Wallace.

Yes! Standing at the schoolhouse door.

He always reminded me of villain ex Vice President Dick Cheney. The sneering smile, the sidling eyes. And voila! Found this comparison. Yes, yes. The old fear mongering. Familiar, isn't it?
I gave her good "shame on you for this thread!"
I’m sure that will make Greta think twice.

And I am also sure that will help nudge her followers to a more nuanced and rational viewpoint regarding the Obama administration.
his very words are all that is necessary
Originally Posted by Ken Condon
I gave her good "shame on you for this thread!"
I’m sure that will make Greta think twice.

And I am also sure that will help nudge her followers to a more nuanced and rational viewpoint regarding the Obama administration.
Remember the Good Ol' Days, when the rich conservatives refused to let Jews into the Country Club? Heck, I own property that still has "No Negroes, No Jews" written right into the CC&Rs.

We've come a long way...
What a breath of fresh air! Bravo Mr. Netanyahu! It's about time someone started talking sense. The only path to peace in the Mideast is

* a Greater Isreal with the terrorists confined behind walls

* 25 mile deep, Israeli-controlled buffer zones in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt

* Regime change in an Iran devoid of infrastructure

Netanyahu never really believed in the two-state solution, which has the been the foundation of Mideast diplomatic initiatives for two decades, but he figured out that if he mouthed the words, he could gain access to the discussion table and slyly obstruct from there.

That's just what sociopaths do. Hmm
from wiki

Netanyahu's father, Benzion, was a professor of Jewish history at Cornell University,[213] editor of the Encyclopaedia Hebraica, and a senior aide to Ze'ev Jabotinsky, who remained active in research and writing into his nineties. Regarding the Palestinian people, he stated: "That they won't be able to face [anymore] the war with us, which will include withholding food from Arab cities, preventing education, terminating electrical power and more. They won't be able to exist, and they will run away from here. But it all depends on the war, and whether we will win the battles with them."[214] Netanyahu has dismissed those who note similarities between his relentlessly hawkish views and those of his late father as "psychobabble". For example, David Remnick has written: "To understand Bibi, you have to understand the father."[215]

There is more going on in Palestine than the folks who tried to blow up Israel. How about the simple fact that Israel is taking Palestinian Homes. I read that the Jews of Palestine own all the land of Palestine because Rome took over Palestine several centuries ago. I do not think that is right nor do I think that there is anything legal about that. Anyway, Israel has been mis-treating Palestineans for a very long time and stealing their homes is just part of it. I should add that I am not anti jew, and don't really care about anybody's religion unless it causes me problems. I'm kinda old and, so far, I have never found somebody's religion to be effecting me and so its none of my business.

Its interesting. With all of the American-Israel-Palestine stuff going on. and all what's being said and reported this one is kinda ignored. The current problems, I suspect, have certainly caused some pretty bad blood between Israel and the Palestinians. That is especially true give that Israel has been slaughtering Palestinians with a will.

I was watching Netanyahu before anything happened and the man was REALLY down on the Palestinians. I read that then have been Israelis teenagers, that go into Palestinian areas to beat up, and sometimes kill Palestinians for pleasure! I have no idea if that is true but it has been reported. Anyway, there seems to me that this kind of behavior should be better reported.

Google "israel taking Palestinian homes" and read a bit about how Palestinians have been treated. Kinda interesting..........

I, for one, think that the Palestinians deserve to have there own country too.
NutANDyahoo is a Zionist (Conservative Judaist). Zionists selfishly only want the land that Israel and the Palestinians now occupy all for themselves. This is why NutANDyahoo has inflicted so much carnage on the Palestinian people, currently. (Over 33,000 dead Palestinians since October 7, 2023 with 70% being women and children). This is contrary to the two-state solution proposed in 1948 when Israel was formed.

Rational folks who practice Judaism know the two-state solution is fair and reasonable and agree with the idea. Zionists won't give an inch. Ergo, the "problem" the area experiences today. Unfortunately, Israel's population is currently more Zionist than rational Judaists.
I think the simple fact is that Biden has already said there WILL be a Palestinian state. As far as I can tell that is one thing he will not give on. If it happens the Palestinians will actually have real freedom for the first time in a very long time.

I have read that Netanyahu really has no support except from the Israel hard right and would lose any election immediately. I think I heard that the last march against him was made with a MILLION anti-Netanyahu's and he doesn't stand a chance. Even most of Israel wants him gone.

I also firmly believe that his slaughter of the Palestinians was made on purpose. In speeches its obvious that he wants them ALL gone from their own lands. This is not a Jewish thing but yet another small group of extremists I think. The American way seems to be moving out to other places?
Originally Posted by jgw
I also firmly believe that his slaughter of the Palestinians was made on purpose. In speeches its obvious that he wants them ALL gone from their own lands. This is not a Jewish thing but yet another small group of extremists I think.
Agreed. This is not a Jewish thing, it's a greedy conservative thing, by conservatives who happen to be Jewish.
There is no way - none - that the genocide being perpetrated in Gaza is anything other than trying to bring to fruition Netanyahu's desire to eliminate the Palestinians as a people. He has said as much, and how anyone can argue otherwise it's mind boggling. Like Trump, we should take him literally and seriously.

Even the attack on World Central Kitchen was not an "accident". It was calculated to do exactly what it did - cut off aid to the population of Gaza. If the local commanders didn't intend this is irrelevant, it's what Bibi and his hand-picked confederates want. They are doing the absolute minimum to alleviate suffering in Gaza to give cover to their real intent. The IDF is obviously capable of doing so much more, but he won't allow it.

He's not just Zionist, he's a murderous fascist thug manipulating conditions to achieve his stated goal - "Israeli control from the river to the sea."
Conservative Jared Kushner said the quiet part out loud:
‘waterfront property could be very valuable’and says Israel should bulldoze an area of the Negev desert and move Palestinians there
Yep..... I have been following him since before this all happened and, then, he was REAL specific that they just had to go away.

Yesterday I was watching tv and one of the Michigan followers of Islam where yelling about how Biden isn't doing enough and they are all just not gonna vote. Somebody should point out to them that Biden is hard firm about establishing a land for the Palestinians. You can be sure that Trump will not do that. They are, she said, willing to not vote for Biden because he hasn't done enough (I think she wanted us to goto war). This was, to my way of thinking, crazy. She seemed so American so, I guess, she was basically yet another display of American stupidity playing my way or the highway.

Its interesting. This whole mess was created by the United States and the UK to get the Jewish terrorist group (forget the name). The original plan was to have two states, one Jewish and the other Palestinian. However, somehow the Palestinians were forgotten. Those running the new state of Israel said that they would just take all the Palestinians in as citizens. I think we all know what happened (or didn't). Biden has said that there WILL be a Palestinian nation. I'm equally sure that it will be next to Israel and there are going to be strict rules.

I also think that its REALLY time for the Israelites to stop stealing Palestinian homes and give those taken back.
War Over?

The decision [to withdrawal troops] came less than two days after Israel opened the Erez Crossing and Ashdod port to transfer humanitarian aid, decisions made under threat by the US of potentially losing weapons support after Jerusalem had refused these requests from Washington for months.
If everything works out then its next step time. This time creating an actual home for the Palestinians as originally planned. I watched them returning to where they lived and found just rubble.

That's gonna be pretty interesting!
Originally Posted by jgw
If everything works out then its next step time. This time creating an actual home for the Palestinians as originally planned. I watched them returning to where they lived and found just rubble.

That's gonna be pretty interesting!
I agree. There are oil fields off the coast of Gaza that the UN laid claim to the Palestinians. The end game of wiping out the Palestinian people is the not only agenda item for conservative Zionists.
I think Biden has got to stop dancing around and actually shut it all down until the new Palestine is accomplished. Until that's done they will keep on slaughtering them. If the oil belongs to Palestine then that's the way it is. It seems to me that Israel doesn't need anything so we should not waste our time as they aren't upset at all at Biden threats.

I also think that Palestine was the original thing, Israel promised to make the Palestinians ciitizens which may have happened to a few but most, as far as I know are not. Instead they are something to make gone. Right now its a little like the Israel nuclear bomb. They got that even though they were told not to do that. They have had it for years;. We were not in favor of it but they did it anyway and nothing happened. I think they think they got us by the balls and can do whatever they want whenever they want.

Time to change I think.............
Biden, I think, is determined not to win his second term. I am saying this because he continues to support Netanyahu no matter what. He keeps giving him bombs and, now, it seems he is also determined to support war itself. Instead of reigning in Netanyahu he just keeps on giving him bombs and now he's not just supporting bombs to kill Palestinians but, apparently, he is going to war with Iran which can really grow and grow and grow. If you think that the marches over the Palestinians are a big deal wait when we get our military over there to bail him out (regardless of the simple fact that Netanyahu started it all).

I know, everybody thought it was all over. I just heard about how a ammunition depot in another country but owned by Iran and was apparently bombed by Israel.

I wish us all luck.....
obviously, I was flat out wrong as per the blabla above this. Apparenty Iran is going to ignore the last one. This being the case its Iran who is saving the day. and Netanyahu will be continuing the slaughter of more Parestinians and Biden will proudly state how he is supporting Israel. Its not quite as disgusting as I had inferred - apologies.......
Ok, I’ll break with my oath of not engaging with rightwing ideologues as there’s nothing to be gained from doing so but this state of international affairs is to ironic, stupid and dangerous to pass up.
One the one hand, Congress just passed another fat war funding bill aimed at supporting two fascist ethno states. The right wing Dem party went all fandom waving flags of the ethnic white fascist regime in the Ukraine cuz Russia while the further right simmered with rage at the thought of betrayal from House Speaker Johnson’s eleventh hour compromise war funding bill. A bill that was primarily opposed by the no good, terrible anti war republican conservatives that the Dem war party can’t stand from an aesthetic sensibility.

Not that Conservatives don’t mind the killing of Muslims in particular or brown skinned cultures in general. They’ve been on board with the Israelis and their ethnofascists genocide. Just as they’ve been on board with killing Muslims or darker complected countries for, what, 50 years or better?

What an odd state of affairs. Each rightwing team has a favored ethnofascist vassal state, actively trying to cleanse an ethnic group from its borders, while the two imperial parties argue over which vassal is deserving or undeserving of billions of dollars.

Upshot: Both! You get a ethnofascist vassal state and you get an ethnofascist vassal state…

Question, how do declare a holy war against the left, globally, support coups and state violence against left wing governments, back far right dictatorships and neofascists and not become so yourself?

Answer: you already are

All those spook stories being obsessed here and in corporate propaganda media over Russian election interference while AIPAC laughs its head off…
I really have no idea what you are talking about. Here I what I think is happening. Russia decided, again, that Ukraine is part of Russia and invaded that country. We disagreed and has supported the Ukrainians by sending money and war goods. Whilst this is going on countries like Poland are also spending more and more money on their own military (Poland is not alone) as they believe thaqt after Ukraine they will be the next Russian conquest.

Its interesting. Should Russia actually win and goes shopping for more we will do exactly what we did when Hitler did the same thing. We sent OUR troops so that stopped and there is no doubt we will do the same again because we do not have a war with Russia on our own land. It makes no different whether anybody agrees or not, the facts are simple. Right now we think the deal with Ukraine is a real good deal. We supply the goods instead of supplying goods AND the blood of American military.

We have nuclear bombs. Russia has approximately 10 times the number of nuclear bombs. Should we get involved with war on Russia Putin has already said that the nuclear bombs WILL come out. There are a number of folks who know about such things who believe that will make the end of the world as we know it.

So, basically, if we can help the Ukrainians to remain out of Russian hands we save the world. It seems to me that we have a good deal going on. I am really sick and tired of the United States sending our military out to die here and there. What we did with Hitler worked. Hopefully the same will happen this time around............

I wish us all good luck.
Putin controls about 5,580 nuclear warheads, according to the Federation of American Scientists.
Of those about 1,200 are retired but largely intact and around 4,380 are stockpiled for use by long-range strategic launchers and shorter-range tactical nuclear forces, according to the FAS.
Of the stockpiled warheads, 1,710 strategic warheads are deployed: about 870 on land-based ballistic missiles, about 640 on submarine-launched ballistic missiles, and possibly 200 at heavy bomber bases, FAS said.

As of early 2023, the United States has 5,244 nuclear warheads, including 1,536 that are retired and awaiting dismantlement.
This includes 3,750 active and inactive warheads, and about 2,000 that are retired and awaiting dismantlement.
Wow! I was, obviously, wrong - apologies. I do remember, however seeing, someplace, that we had a lot fewer. That being said, when I rely on my own memory, its quite possible I screwed up - I will try and be more careful in the future.

Anyway, once one side starts with the nukes the other side will do the same and the results will not be good (which was my basic thought and Putin has been threatening for a while, now and I suspect he is quite capable of starting a nuclear war where nobody wins in the end.
Incidentally, the Palestinians are now full members of the UN. We voted NO, made no difference. I think they are entitled and, now, the trick will be to pick out a place that they can actually call their own. Netanyahu will have a FIT! The United States and the UK set up this whole mess. Its time to settle it!!

Its also interesting that Netanyahu is still charged with fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes in three separate scandals involving powerful media moguls and wealthy associates. He denies wrongdoing. The Israeli court remains open on that one and continues, as far as I can tell. This actually makes Trump and Netanyahu kinda brothers at playing courts. Netanyahu has been fighting this whole thing since, I think, around 2019.

I just tried to look the whole thing up and found that its kinda mysterious right now but remains active.
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