Capitol Hill Blue
Stopping Republicans from voting for a fascist and racist as our president
Donald John Trump is the greatest threat to democracy in the history of America. He must be stopped.

April 12, 2024

Former Congressman Joe Scarborough, who left the Republican Party in disgust after it became a puppet of disgraced con man Donald John Trump, asks why anyone would vote for a fascist to lead our nation.

“If they vote for Donald Trump in 2024, they are not only voting for a fascist, they are voting for a racist,” an agitated Scarborough, who hosts the “Morning Joe” show on MSNBC, said this week. “He is someone who wants to put this country 200 years in the back (ages).”

“I’m trying figure out how to get people out who love democracy, who love freedom, who love the rights of all Americans.” he adds. “How do we get them to the voting booth. That”s how we save our country.”

Scarborough made the comments at the National Action Committee meeting. His commments brought a standing ovation.

Elsewhere, we see more and more people shaking their heads as the criminally-indicted Trump heads for his first of four trials for his efforts to overtrow the Constitution, democracy and our nation.

How, they wonder, did we get into this mess?

It begam more than three decades ago with the rise in political power by power-mad Georgia congressman Newt Gingrich, who became Speaker of the House after his party took control of the House of Representatives in 1994. He outlawed compromise or coalition building and Congress ground to a halt.

We saw the madness increase when Republican racism emerged from thieir toxoc political swamps to embrace the Tea Party and its bigotry and hate-filled lies about President Barack Obama. We saw it solidified with the selection of trollop Sarah Palin as John McCain’s running mate in 2008, and we see it today with White Trash types like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz in the GOP leadership.

The emergence of Palin and Greene reminds us of Jerry Jeff Walker’s son “I like my woman ( a little on the trashy side).” Palen, as a sportscaster before becoming a mayor in Alaska, liked to bed basketball stars) and Greene dresses and talks like loose women one finds in a honky tonk saloons.

The Republican Party today is a sordid coven of hate, bigotry and racism. It gave up any hope for service to the people or allegiance to the oaths they swear to. I saw them oozing from the slime during my sabbatical from journalism to work in Congress from 1981-87. I shook my head at their cravenness as they held out their hands, demanding donations from the largest political action committee (at the time) that I managed as Divisional Vice President for The Nationall Association of Realtors.

At one point during that time, Rep. Guy Vabder Jagt , chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, called PACs “whores.” I responded, in an interview with CBS: “Congressman, there’s a problem with your claim. Where I come from, whores as the ones asking for money, in advance, for a service they promise to deliver. You and others like you are asking us for money, in advance, for services. In such situations, the best we can expect is to get screwed. That makes you the whores and we are the johns”

I walked away from politics in 1994, jointed Alcoholics Anonymous and returned to journalism. On June 6, I will celebrate 30 years of sobriety.

To completely recover, I will join millions of voters in November to put a stop to the fascist, racist and criminal con man Donald Trump, candidate of a Republican Party that should burn in hell with him.

Copyright © 2024 Capitol Hill Blue
Republicans (Conservatives, MAGAts, racists, authoritarians, and fascists) are trying to make this election about 'good' and 'bad' by painting themselves as the 'good' by conflating politics with morality and framing ol' Joe Biden and ALL Dems as evil. The GOP base buys into this propaganda because the base lacks the ability to think or reason - there is simply no other way to explain the belief of the GOP lies and spin.

Essentially the GOP and Trump are accusing ol' Joe Biden and Democrats of the very things that the GOP themselves are doing. Joseph Goebbels would be in awe of today's GOP propaganda machine, and the hoodwinked GOP base are swallowing the GOP lying and spin, hook, line, and sinker - without actually analyzing if what the GOP is saying is even true. Because if the GOP base did analyze the GOP message, they would find reality to be the opposite of what the GOP is stating that reality is.

There is nothing moral at all about today's GOP. For example, they are 100% against abortion because they believe that abortion kills the unborn - not just the legally defined non-viable, but the viable too. GOP is claiming that women are having abortions after giving birth. This is of course ludicrous and it would be murder.

Polls now show that just over 75% believe that abortion ought to be a woman choice, the GOP are now cool with some states allowing abortion, even though the GOP is against it, that's not being moral - that's political expediency. This political expediency is only being done to win elections. Trump is two-faced. He says abortion should be left up to the states, then condemns the AZ Supreme Court for being too pro-life. AZ made a choice, and Trump didn't like it. Typical for a guy who is politically expedient.

Today’s GOP is made-up of infighting, retirements and resignations, special election losses, who are being put on the defensive by public outrage over rightwing GOP abortion bans around the country.

Every negative outcome man has ever experienced through the ages, can be traced back to conservative rightwing thinking in one form or another: philosophy, religion, or government - or a combination of any of the three. Just look at the Israel and Hamas "war." Rightwing religious Hamas wants to eliminate the country of Israel and rightwing political Israel wants to eliminate Hamas and the Palestinian people. Rightwing fascist authoritarian Russia wants to absorb its neighbors. Rightwing U.S. politicians want to end American democracy.

This November, more than ever, vote blue, no matter who.
Don't be taken in by pundits who have been saying Trump is losing support among MAGA. These folks are just as delusional as the MAGA folks. MAGA rejects all the legal talk as liberal lies and an concerted effort by the proverbial "THEM" (DEEP STATE, DEMS, ELITISTS, GLOBALISTS, JEWISH CABALS, ETC) to keep the one and true voice and savior of America from regaining his rightful place among the holy, and save America from the Evil which has pervaded every facet of America. Just imagine an America where the occupant of the WH could jail and execute his political rivals because they oppose his policies, or an America where the government can dictate every facet of your personal life, like healthcare. Imagine an America where the only official people on a ballot are only those who have been vetted as sufficiently loyal to the government i.e. The Trump. Allow your imagination to be your guide on every nightmare political scenario, as if you were Wes Craven, and when your thoughts seem pale and weak, re-read 1984.

Trump is not losing support and that should be scaring the crap out of every single person in America.
I agree, Trump hasn’t lost any support from the MAGA crowd or Republicans in general. 89% of republicans still say they’ll vote for Trump, 5% for Biden. On the other side, 87% of democrats state they’ll vote for Biden, 3% for Trump. Compare today’s numbers to those of 2020 when 94% of Republicans voted for Trump, 6% for Biden. 94% of Democrats voted for Biden, 5% for Trump. 92% of both republicans and democrats voting for their party’s candidates is the historical average.

From 5 Apr 2024 both Trump and Biden have lost support. Trump falling from 47.2% down to 44.5% and Biden falling from 46.5% down to 44.2% in the two-candidate race.

In the 5 candidate or 5-way race, Trump has fallen from 43.4% down to 41.6 while Biden has fallen from 42.4% down to 40.6%

Could be just the normal ups and downs, but whatever it is, it is happening to both major party candidates. If it were just Trump losing support, I’d attribute that to the Hush Money trial. But it’s also Biden that has lost some support. This far out, I’d say the above falls into the curiosity column that probably has no meaning in the grand scheme of things.
My point was small variations within polling does not imply nor should one infer it means there is an erosion of support for Trump. Based on that observation, I find it disingenuous that liberal (and anti-Trump) pundits make outrageous claims that Trump is losing support. And besides, I believe the extreme polarization (simply emphasizing the radical political schism in America) has befriended us with a new species in social evolution, for which all the old cliches no longer apply. I believe fresh, new eyes are necessary to begin comprehension of whats happening .... to paraphrase "something's happening and you don't know what it is"
Yes rporter. The short-term polls for April have been a puzzle. Both Trump and Biden have dropped. Usually a drop in one candidate means a rise in the other. This is based on the average of 14 polls taken since 1 Apr. As for the longer term or time frame, I think we all know we’ve entered today’s modern political era of polarization, the great divide, the super, mega, ultra-high partisanship. The era of straight party line votes. An us vs. them attitude in congress and between parties. The era of pragmatism is passé, the era of compromise and playing the old political game of give and take, history.

We know both major parties are shrinking, independents on the rise. From 30% of the electorate in 2006 up to 42% today. Today, the prominent divide ideological wise between the two major parties is huge and growing. Long gone is when both major parties had their liberal and conservative wings. The democrats, their solid conservative south, the republicans, the old Rockefeller republican liberal northeast. The ideological divide was within both major parties, not one party vs. the other as it is today.

Trump losing support, he never lost it among republicans. Although some prominent republicans have come out against him, the GOP base is still solidly behind Trump. Trump never had any support among democrats. Independents were always lukewarm, or I should say luke cold to him from the day he first entered politics in 2016. Most independents aren’t passionate pro or anti Trump. I would say the passionate, avid Trump supporters always have been around 40% of all Americans, which holds true today. Perhaps a point or two up or down since 2016. The same for the passionate, avid anti-Trumpers, around 40%. Which also hasn’t changed much since 2016. That leaves the mild, flexible middle or the final 20% give or take. Who neither love nor hate Trump. I would say this latter group doesn’t care much for Trump. Doesn’t care much is the right phrase. Which is why Trump has a 55% unfavorable rating. They view Trump somewhat unfavorable, not very unfavorable as the anti-Trumpers do. But they’d still vote for Trump depending on how they viewed his opponent. More unfavorable as in 2016 or less unfavorable as in 2020. Or roughly the same unfavorable or dislike of both in 2024.
Hey Republicans: Why are you supporting a fascist and racist?
The males on the Supreme Court certainly are! mad
Yes yes ... apparently according to AG Barr, the person who actively participated in and conspired to overthrow an election is not a threat to Democracy because he did not succeed.

I remember an old ad about drugs and a sizzling frying pan .... is Bill Barr on drugs???? or is he simply ...

We are truly lost
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