Capitol Hill Blue
Doug Thompson, owner of Capitol Hill Blue and Reader Rant has stated the following:

Any regular reader of Capitol Hill Blue knows full well that I distrust the government as much as anyone. However, I do not buy into the conspiracy theory that the Bush Administration, or any other arm of the federal government, brought down the World Trade Center or that explosives were planted to cause the buildings to implode. I was at the Pentagon on 9/11, photographed the damage and interviewed witnesses who saw the plane hit the building. I reviewed hours upon hours of video shot in New York City on 9/11 and produced and edited a documentary on the attacks from that footage. Several friends of mine who worked as photographers for New York publications and wire services photographed that day. Planes hit the twin towers and the Pentagon. Case closed.

The study by the National Institutes for Standards and Technology (NIST) concluded the towers collapsed inward because the jets damaged the central core that provided the structural integrity of the building. Building seven, NIST concluded, collapsed because of damage from debris which crashed through the roof of the building. AIA reviewed those findings and concurred. Again, case closed.

I have said in the past that Capitol Hill Blue will not perpetuate the myth of a 9/11 conspiracy theory. Nothing has surfaced to change that position.
The Reader Rant mod team concurs and supports the conclusions of Doug Thompson. There are ample sites elsewhere on the web where one can go to engage in such discussion. Therefore, the RR policy is that 9/11 conspiracy theory threads are not permitted here and will be deleted immediately and without notice. Repeated attempts to post such threads will result in suspension.

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