Capitol Hill Blue
Posted By: jgw What are all the good things Trump has done? - 08/28/22 06:45 PM
the Trump folk are continually referring the the good things he has done for them. I can't think of any. Does anybody have a list of all the good things Trump has done? If so, I would be interested.
Wait, what...?

There is a perception that some of Trump's policies were successful. Most of his tariffs remained in place last I heard. The stock market performed well, everybody had jobs and money to spend.

He always told them everything was great and if they heard otherwise it was a lie.

They believed that he singlehandedly reduced the price of insulin in America!

Because he told them he did. Then everybody started getting sick and dying from the Chinese virus and democrats blamed him!

That's it in a nutshell I think.
Trump signed a 2017 tax bill whereby the wealthy one-percent received 87% of a tax break, while 331 million Americans has to split the other 13%.

I'm also aware the Trump pettiness caused over 200,000 Americans to die and prolonged the C19 pandemic in America by discounting the seriousness of the virus.

I also know that Trump met with Russian diplomats a few times in secret - away from US medias prying eyes and microphones.
i also know that Trump lied literally tens of thousands of times to the American public.
I also know that Trump ran a shadow government while conducting official US business.
I also know that Trump took classified documents and national security secrets with him on the way out of the door.
Posted By: jgw Re: What are all the good things Trump has done? - 08/29/22 06:10 PM
So, basically, he didn't do a damned thing if you weren't already rich. Thought so, just making sure. Its just hard to believe that the true believers are TRUE BELIEVERS! The Republican Party is actually a cult!

We live, I think, in very strange times.
Here's an article from Politico about what the Trump Administration accomplished.

30 things...

The Atlantic also weighed in near the end of his term...
13 things...

Even a blind hog finds an acorn now and then...
Seriously?!? NOT repealing ACA was one of the things that Trump DID?!?

NOT providing workplace guidance for C19 was something Trump DID?!?

Trump found ways to expand federal support for religious schools? No the SCOTUS did that.

I'm done...this Politico opinion piece is nauseating. crazy I only got to 5. I thoroughly didn't understand #2...the military thing.
  • Stricter regulation of vaping
  • Dramatic reductions in the burning of coal <---- Trump policy did that? Um no...industry moved away from coal.
  • Normalization in the Middle East <---- I didn't know that ME was at each other's throat
  • Safeguarding 5G networks from Chinese control <------ Meh
  • Appointment of Jerome Powell as Federal Reserve chair <----Isnt' the guy choking right now?
  • Destruction of the ISIS caliphate in eastern Syria and northern Iraq <---- Pretty sure Russia did that
Man! People are desperate to show that Trump did any good. It's completely laughable.

Those weren't lists of "good" things. Just things in general.
Originally Posted by pdx rick

Destruction of the ISIS caliphate in eastern Syria and northern Iraq <---- Pretty sure Russia did that

And replacing it with our very own homegrown version of it.
Thanks Trump.
Trump boldly assassinated that Iranian general in broad daylight!

In the day-to-day business of running the government, a certain amount of stuff gets done that helps different demographics. Trump never aimed to do anyone but himself any good.

That's what it's about.

Republicans, en masse, are butthurt because their cult hero lost his bid for reelection.

Remember how we felt when Hillary lost?

She was no hero to us, she wasn't embraced by any extremist groups or lunatic fringe inhabitants. We didn't even like her very much.

They really deeply loved and believed in this guy and they really became cult-like in their devotion to him.

Now just imagine how those mother*****s felt when the news came in.


Imagine you can hear them wailing...imagine their tear-soaked pillows...their rage...

That always makes me feel better.
First all off, the drone strike was in darkness...

[Linked Image from]

Well...having not voted for Hillary, I wasn't mad, I was sad for our country that Trump was elected. ¯\_(: /)_/¯
Originally Posted by Greger
Imagine you can hear them wailing...imagine their tear-soaked pillows...their rage...

That always makes me feel better.

I literally laughed out loud when I read this!


Posted By: jgw Re: What are all the good things Trump has done? - 08/31/22 06:31 PM
I asked what he had done when the Republicans keep on saying they loved what he has done but NEVER mention what, exactly that might be. When they do they are usually claiming what somebody else had done. The crowd of true believers are a very strange group. They believe any lie that comes from the top. They not only believe that stuff but glory in it.

It is, I guess, one of those mysterious things they do?
I asked my one cousin that question - she is a huge Trump supporter to say the least! Her and her husband have a very small farm in Ohio.

She said he passed some farm bill that helped them. That was after Obama passed some farm bill prior, that hurt them terribly! Trump made it good again!

I was under the impression that Trump did something that terribly hurt farmers, maybe it was the tariffs, not sure on that.
Originally Posted by Kaine
...She said he passed some farm bill that helped them...

...let's set the record straight here.

Remember those Jina tariffs that ultimately hurt the American consumer? China retaliated with imposing tariffs on soybeans. The farmers were outraged. Trump gave low-income and minority soybean farmers a student loan "handout" ...erm, a farm subsidy to make up for their loss - which farmers gladly accepted and made Republicans and their base every happy...because good, hard-working white American farmers. smile
Just telling you what she told me.

In her mind, Trump is her hero.

At least she answered me. Most Republicans I talk to, divert to something else like - "What did Obama and O'Biden ever do?" or some other diversion. Or they ignore me.
Originally Posted by Kaine
Just telling you what she told me.

In her mind, Trump is her hero.

At least she answered me. Most Republicans I talk to, divert to something else like - "What did Obama and O'Biden ever do?" or some other diversion. Or they ignore me.
Understood. smile
American Rwingers:

US government financial relief for poor and minorities = handouts for the lazy
US government financial relief for the rich and white Americans = subsidies for hard-workers

In her mind, Trump is her hero.

And that right there is the thing. And there are millions of them.

He told them he was doing great things for them and they believed it...because

He was the President Of The United States!

In their eys it's as though they are dragging a naked Jimmy Carter through the streets and intend to lynch him!

That's why it's a bad idea to get emotionally involved with politics.
Originally Posted by pdx rick
First all off, the drone strike was in darkness...

It was broad daylight here.
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