Originally Posted by ChristianMiller
. . . there is no compelling justification for any one of them.
We're on the same page there, CM.

Originally Posted by Greger
...it seems unfair that just because you have a significant other that you get preferential treatment by the government.
That's the crux of the problem, isn't it? I mean, you don't get preferential treatment "just because you have a significant other". You get preferential treatment because you and a person of the other gender obtain a license from the government designating you a "married couple" even if you share no personal relationship whatsoever!!!

Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
But even with all benefits and privileges now held exclusively by married couples were removed, there would still be an inequity if only one class can marry.
If there were no benefits and privileges, do you think the government would continue to issue the license?

Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love,
to respect and be kind to one another,
so that we may grow with peace in mind.

(Native American prayer)