I had no intention whatsoever in participating in it. Someone referred me to the Hess Poll so I visited it. When I saw "Joe K's" personal attack post, I believed- based on considerable experience- where "Joe K" was headed, so I decided that I'd establish my identity and presence on that board. Maybe, if I hadn't, things wouldn't have taken the direction that did. Maybe they would have taken even a worse direction. Not only do I not know Panamaed, who apparently believed that he was helping, but I also certainly didn't ask him to make that post on an un-moderated message board. I've seen these trolls in action before. Panamaed apparently is less experienced. He actually tries to reason and discuss issues with these stooges. They are not there for discussion, but only to distract, to discredit, and to disrupt. Most people don't like to argue and after awhile stop posting killing the thread.

The police harassment has escalated in the last few months. They also don't have any problem getting stooges or suborning witnesses. Their last "star witness" is now away for a very long period of time. I hardly knew the guy and the last time that he threatened me, I didn't even recognize him. The veiled and not so veiled threats have increased in the last few months as well. However, unless I the threat is on videotape or else delivered certified return receipt mail, I don't mention it. For example, I did tape record two Holmes County deputies- with their permission- once and one of them pulls his Barney Fife bullet out of his pocket and waves it at me. I took that as a threat and said so. On tape the deputy denied the threat or even having waved a bullet at me. How'd I prove that with a tape recorder? So although it pissed me off, I rarely mention it.

At any rate, right or wrong, I replied to "Joe K's" personal attack- and mainly because he didn't have an identifying city listed beneath his name in the left column- something was seriously wrong. Not a doubt that he's a kop and probably on the clock. Rightly or wrongly I guessed- and my guesses are usually correct- where it was going, and "Joe K" became "Joe Kin" and then "Joe Keegan." And you'll notice if you check that forum that non of the "JKs" have identifying cities beneath their screen names in the left column while all the other posters do have identifying cities. Conspiracy is in the eye of the targeted.

I replied to "Joe Keegan's" posts stating that his Bonifay topix forum suggestion wasn't mine. I didn't even know about these topix forums until referred to the Panama City one. "Joe K,""Joe Kin," and "Joe Keegan (minus the city identifier)are one and the same. I'll monitor that forum and won't participate unless the kop stooge tries to assume my identity again.