I called into the Burnie Thompson talk radio show (101.1 FM Panama City, FL), this morning around 7:15 am. Burnie was lecturing about the evils of socialism and something about the 10th Amendment. I told his screener that I wanted to talk about a 4th Amendment issue, and she said that I'm up next and he'll work it in. When I got on, I told Burnie that you will see more intrusions by Big Brother into people's lives and gave my own illegal surveillance as an example. Burnie asked me, Who's watching you? I told him that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Holmes County Sheriff's Department with the help of the local rural electric co-operative. (Click) Hey, what happened? Was I disconnected? Did my cell kick out? I called back. The screener said that they went to a break, apologized for the poor ettiquette, and put me back up. I told Burnie that I sent State Attorney Hess a letter with evidence charging illegal surveillance. I got out the link to my letter to Hess. Burnie asked, "Are they following you now?" I laughed and said that the FBI covertly surveilled the TEA party protesters. He said that he was there and saw one FBI Agent with his finger in his ear. I asked Burnie, where was the other finger? Burnie laughed. Then (Click) again. I want to thank Burnie for the opportunity to address his audience. I just hope that they heard me.
