Martha, good point. I didn't think of that until you mentioned it but yes I can see you would feel that way and it could have been.

My daughter gave me the book for Christmas. While reading the cover I mistakenly thought it was a sequel to The Kite Runner so I bought and read that one first because I don't like reading books out of order.
I've had some brutality in my past and the sheer tragedy of all the violence and mistreatment affected me deeply. I couldn't put either book down. Of course the plight of women in the middle east was especially powerful to me. The hopelessness of their options.

So by the time I came to the end of Thousand Suns, my relief was palpable that some good happened after all.
I admit I accepted that readily.

The tragedy of the history of women breaks my heart.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to's about learning how to dance in the rain."