I completely agree, Pondering. There is a State interest in marriages, but it is administrative in nature, and none of the State interests relate to "procreation" or other choices that are personal and private matters of the participants therein. It is supremely insulting to me whenever religious-based arguments are brought into the discussion. I watched "Milk" last night, and the actual news clips that were intercut into the story were astounding. When one Senator invoked "God's Law" I wanted to scream for his impeachment! Of course, he's probably dead now, since that was 30+ years ago... although, in some places, times have not changed so much. I tend to agree with those who object to churches organizing and assisting the campaigns. It is time to reassert our rights as citizens and put the religious organizations back into their boxes.

A well reasoned argument is like a diamond: impervious to corruption and crystal clear - and infinitely rarer.

Here, as elsewhere, people are outraged at what feels like a rigged game -- an economy that won't respond, a democracy that won't listen, and a financial sector that holds all the cards. - Robert Reich