A campaign to roll back gay rights that kicked off in Washington state over the weekend has split the Christian conservative community, with some wondering whether it is the right time for a fight and others arguing that time may be running out.

On the heels of the recent California Supreme Court ruling that upheld Proposition 8's prohibition against same-sex marriage, conservative groups here began collecting signatures for a ballot referendum to block a new Washington state law that substantially expands rights for domestic partners.
This isn't even about marriage. Reading the quotes from these religious guys is sickening. They are openly and bluntly saying that gay people are not equal and should have no rights.
Larry Stickney of the Washington Values Alliance, who also backs the referendum, told Fuiten that the recession could help defeat the law because more people were turning to religion after losing their jobs.
That's right Larry, get 'em while their vulnerable. Work on defeating rights within the churches (as usual). Perhaps you could convince them that they lost their jobs because the gays are getting married. .

I have no love for religion, but my mother is a strong Catholic who goes to church almost every day and she will not vote against gays. I suspect that this simplistic worldview that all religious people hate gays and vice versa will lead to your defeat in your noble fight against equality. I also suspect that, like most religious types of your ilk, you will deny hating anyone while working feverishly to take rights away from your fellow citizens. You will claim that it is not hatred because, after all, you believe in God! And that it is the gays that hate because they are fighting back.

He also predicted that passage of a federal hate crimes law this year could introduce legal roadblocks to campaigning against same-sex partnerships.
I, and others, warned that they would not stop at defeating same sex marriage. What a surprise. It makes all of their lies about "not taking rights from anyone" and that they "were only defending the sacred traditional definition of marriage", more transparent.

He also predicted that passage of a federal hate crimes law this year could introduce legal roadblocks to campaigning against same-sex partnerships.

"We may be running out of time to address this issue without fear of jail time," he responded to Fuiten's e-mail.
Wow! Wait a second, did Larry just openly admit that he knows that what they are doing is rooted in hatred? Nice admission. Yes, sadly, if gays have equality, Larry may not be able to openly discriminate. That's not persecution, no matter how much he (and others) try to sell it that way. "jail time"? rolleyes drama queen.

We are constantly invited to be who we are. Henry David Thoreau