Originally Posted by california rick
Originally Posted by Jeffro
That wasn't directed at me, was it? It was only Tuesday the church made these statements.
No, The Church. Talk about getting upset at things retroactively, Pete's sake! crazy
I know, I guess they needed enough time to build up their self righteous indignation (though it's usually instant).

They're taking a page from the fundamentalist playbook on the persecution complex though, I guess the lower attendance is driving them cuckoo. I will say that the whole "the pope used to be a nazi youth" thing makes their statements that much more outrageous... but, I admire them for going all out. None of that lightweight "half-insane" stuff for these guys, they're balls to the wall Crazy- Eddie-giving-away-the-whole-store!!! nuts. shocked

We are constantly invited to be who we are. Henry David Thoreau