Originally Posted by loganrbt
Isn't that fantastic? My wife bought it for our granddaughter as a Christmas gift when she was only one (the granddaughter). She's not old enough really to have it read to her yet but she loves looking through the pictures! For hours. I have been tempted to steal it on more than one occasion and almost bought a copy for myself last time we were in the book store!

My two-book recommendation to anyone connected with children includes Fables by Arnold Lobel and Once upon a time, the End (asleep in 60 seconds) by Geoffrey Kloske and Barry Brit. I thought both were really for adults until a nurse remarked that her six-year-old's favorite book was Fables. I'll probably reread them both this afternoon. Maybe twice.

Currently reading: Best American Mystery Stories edited by Lee Child and Otto Penzler. AARGH!