Oops. Sorry about that one, Martha; it's one of my favorites - I think that's how you ended up with it.

Oh well. I'll try again. I've just finished "The Keep" by Jennifer Egan. She has a new book out that's getting good reviews ("A Visit from the Goon Squad), but I didn't want to start with that one, so I picked up "The Keep."

This is one of those books that will mystify me for a long time, so rather than try to describe it I'll link to an NYT review. I think I read it in three days - she's good at cliff-hanging the chapter endings (grrr.)

I have no idea whether or not she's a great writer but I thought the book was, well, fun. The review compares it to Fowles and that makes sense in that Fowles always fascinates me right up to the last page, and then frustrates me because I still don't really understand the damn book.


Fortunately I bought the new one at the same time.

(Hope this makes up for "Museum Pieces." I can't help the fact that nothing happens in the book; it's part of what I love about it.)

A 45’s quicker than 409
Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time
Betty’s bein’ bad