Oh - gosh!

The only things that I can really recall well about the books are, indeed, descriptions - the first being the opening scene (I believe) of the two girls in Oldtown, with the snowballs and frito pies; the second is the girl in the kitchen, looking at wishbones and burying olive pits. Those scenes are like paintings, to me. I remember wishing, when I first read it, that you could somehow frame scenes from a book, display them on walls.
I have, suddenly, somehow, recovered my love of reading. For several years I've continued to read but without the ability to sink into a book for hours/days. I realized when I took some time off work that I really miss "diving in" - so I'm making it a priority these days, and it's coming back to me.

So keep those recommendations coming!

A 45’s quicker than 409
Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time
Betty’s bein’ bad