Bonobo's Handshake by Vanessa Woods.

In case people do not know... the Bonobo is a relatively rare ape that looks very similar to a Chimpanzee... but with distinctly different social characteristics. IE Chimps are violent and male dominated, where as Bonobos are placid, like sex a lot, and are female dominated.

The author is a scientist... or at least married to a scientist... but the book that she wrote is is more of a series of personal anecdotes. This is one of those books where the author has a a whole lot of diverse experiences and takes you along for the ride to places where we could never otherwise go.

In this case, the ride is about what it is like to live in war torn Africa, what are some of the less obvious pressure driving these conflicts, along with discovering all about our near relatives Chimps an Bonobos.

"It's not a lie if you believe it." -- George Costanza
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. --Bertrand Russel