I posted an OPEN LETTER TO GOVERNOR CHARLIE CRIST[/b] on my blog. I briefly summarized just a few main incidents. I supplied enough evidence to warrant at least a preliminary investigation on any one.

The last paragraph in my letter to Gov. Crist follows:
[b]A neighbor privy to the illegal surveillance and other law enforcement machinations told me that “there are powerful forces” and “you can’t do anything.” So, does the rule of law still exist in Florida or not? Are the U.S. Constitution and Florida Constitution meaningless in the State of Florida? Are the public servants who enforce the rules and statutes of Florida exempt from the very same laws that they enforce against Florida citizens? How is what I’ve briefly summarized above not misprision of felony (USC, TITLE 18, Part 1, Chapter 1 & 4)? Not only have Florida law enforcement and public officials failed to report a known felony, but also actively concealed the felony. Please give me the courtesy of a reply. Thank you.
Only unaccountability makes this arrogance and abuse by Florida "law enforcement" and other "public servants" possible. There are no effective checks and balances. But realistically, what should I as an American peasant expect when you have Senator Sanders asking Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke: "Will you tell the American people to whom you lent $2.2 trillion of their dollars?" And, Bernanke replied, "No." The rule of law is dead not only in Florida, but the US, as well.