100 Strangest Mysteries by Matt Lamy is the other birthday present I mentioned earlier, the companion piece to The Greatest Mysteries of the Unexplained. I'll admit that I only skimmed this one. On the plus side, it did cover Stonehenge and Easter Island. What I read there wasn't entirely new, but I did learn that Stonehenge is only one of several stone circles found throughout England. I guess Stonehenge has better PR.

Additionally, I found the following sections interesting—although not interesting enough to warrant pages being dog-eared: the Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis (yet another "civilization" that might have been done in by its own progress), Amityville, El Dorado, the Big Bang theory, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Stigmata, Ouija boards, Dracula, Jack the Ripper, Voodoo and Zombies.

At this point I feel pretty sure that I've read all I ever want to about the world's oddities, explained or unexplained.

Last edited by humphreysmar; 04/11/11 03:53 PM.

Currently reading: Best American Mystery Stories edited by Lee Child and Otto Penzler. AARGH!