Okay, I just got through the race for Governor of Alaska. It is now clear that Gov. Palin is an emotional wreck. To win this position she believed that treating her faithful associates had little if anything to do with her win. There is no instinct to feel even a little gratitude for the help that she received in order to win the seat.

The writer of this book, Frank Bailey has every right to complain as he had signed up with a woman who had absolutely no class or manners to treat so many of her helpers so badly. Sarah was a whiner, complainer and blamed everything on anyone in her presence.

So far Sarah has shown no hint of ethics when dealing with people on her own side of the campaign. Her end game was to be Governor. She was following the suggestions of her Pastor and the voice in her head. The problem is that she never stated a single change in government either in her city of Wasilla or her state of Alaska. She was in charge and it was obvious that her future plans had just begun. She probably broke no ethics violations because it is next to impossible to get anyone on these violations. The next part of the book takes on the McCain/Palin campaign and it will show how weak and unethical the GOP has become when dealing with a candidate like Sarah Palin.

I can see no reason to stay with the book as it will continue to be an expose' of how dirty politics has become since the end of WW2. The poor woman has no concept of how dangerous she is to America. This morning on Morning Joe, the subject of nuclear power in the hands of some of the candidates and how utterly dangerous it would be under a President Palin.

I will send the book to anyone who wants to read it. It gives me a sick feeling in my gut to think she even has a tiny chance. I will go back the Coach of the N.Y. Jets...Rex Ryan and get back to NFL Football which is kinder and gentler than Palin in Politics.

AKA Sandy Price