One is the life story of Gerard Depardieu by Paul Chutkow and the other is "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson. I have lived with many actors and a few scientists but I am submersed with two men I cannot like in any way. I read biographies because I want to know more about and like the characters that make up my life. I am drawn to men who are individuals and often are geniuses in their field. I cannot imagine Howard Hughes peeing on an airplane even if he owned it. I cannot imagine William R. Hearst walking away from a child he fathered.

The problem may be with me "Some are born great and some have greatness thrust upon them" (12th Night) and some are just plain arsholes who believe they are great. Thank you Shakespeare, no matter who you are; you always come through with a great quote or two.

AKA Sandy Price