Originally Posted by Ken Hill
Thought I would link this to brighten up everyones day. I wonder if it will have sparkly high resolution of me taking a piss in my backyard?
But there is another portion of the airspace—the stratosphere—that while mostly empty today, will in the coming years will become increasingly populated by gossamer-like, solar-powered drones turning silent, lazy circles in the sky. These drones will stay aloft for years at a time, running on energy collected during the day using solar panels mounted on paper-thin wings. As their slowly turning propellers push them along at bicycle speeds, arrays of high-resolution cameras on their undersides will record the daily comings and goings of the population of entire cities.
High altitude surveylance drones Q.
Thought I would link this to brighten up everyones day. I wonder if it will have sparkly high resolution of me taking a piss in my backyard?
A. Yes. btw- they also have low altitude drones as well.