Originally Posted by olyve
Hi Joe,
I always get too much basil too.
I chop it and freeze it in ice cube trays covered with a few drops of water.
I always use water but a friend suggested that olive oil (*grin*) would work well too.
After it's solid store the cubes in freezer bags.

I've already planted new stuff for this year but have a few cubes left in the freezer too.
Works great!
olyve, thanks. I love basil, but you really can get too much of a good thing. I going to try freezing some of it in ice cube trays, popping it out of the trays when frozen, and storing the cubes in a freezer bag in the freezer. Some other I'll chop, mix with olive oil, and store in freezer bags. And the rest, I'll just freeze the leaves whole and store in freezer bags. I read that the olive oil coating keeps the basil from getting dark, which will happen if you just freeze the leaves. I'll find out.

I also like and grow parsley. Nothing fancy. Just a few containers. I pinch off the leaves as needed. I've had some plants last 2 years and more. Fresh parsley when needed.