Olive oil will harden at refrigerator temperatures - around 37-39°F. Determining at what point to call the oil "frozen" is a matter of semantics. The slow increase in hardening as the temperature is lowered is in sharp contrast to a pure substance such as water that switches from a liquid to solid phase at an exact temperature. Olive oil is a complex mixture of oils and waxes. The heavier oils and waxes will form needle-like crystals as the temperature is lowered, then the other oils will start to settle out.

At 40°F most of the oils would not harden or form any crystals. At 35°F most are firm enough that they cannot be poured but are as soft as butter at room temperature. As the temperature is lowered, more components of the oil solidify. At 10°F the oil is hard enough that a fork cannot penetrate it.

Source: Olive Oil Source.com
I buy EVOO in gallon containers and keep only a pint in the pantry. The rest is stored in the refrigerator.

Contrarian, extraordinaire