Originally Posted by Scoutgal
My mother loved crawdads. But they are just medium-sized looking bugs(shrimp being small bugs and lobster being big bugs-crabs are spiders). I remember visiting family in Arkansas and Louisiana where they would boil up some crawdads in a big outdoor kettle, seasoned with some Old Bay seasoning and Louisiana hot sauce.Cooked with potatoes and corn on the cob, it was all dumped out on a newspaper covered table and people(except for me) would just go to town on the feast. I had a peanut butter sandwich.
Sistah, sistah! We talkin' bite size lobsta, heah! They may be bugs, but they be badass bitchin' tasty bugs!

Long time ago I went with some buddies fishing on the Bitterrot River in Montana. We put on the river in a twelve foot aluminum fishing boat with a small outboard engine about 20 miles upstream of Missoula. Being kind of lazy in the hunting/gathering department, I drove the boat, which was a boatload of fun.

Fishing wasn't too productive and just before town we stopped under a railroad bridge to look for crawdads in the rocks. We got a bunch, took them home, and had an excellent feast.

The End

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller