well the great bread experiment didnt go too well.

first of all, kitchen scales bugged out so had to try using bathroom scales - not exactly precise. still I managed.

got a decent dough together and started up the food mixer. The mixer is a bit of an antiquue having belonged to my father, built in the 80s and hadnt been used in over a decade. tested it, and spent an evening cleaning the damn thing.

Dough in mixer - grand for 2 mins, then pop and smoke burst forth from the damn machine. Cue grab, dash and dump of heap of crap machine into back garden.

so endeth the first attempt. Couldnt use the dough as the smoke had ruined it.

second attempt was the good old fashioned hand kneading, bit of a pain but quite theraputic. went fine - eventually after a very sticky start.

first time baking bread, set oven a little too hot and nearly destroyed the loaf. Was just about usable - thinly sliced and toasted.

lessons learned:

buy a new damn scales
less sugar
A longer prove
Oven not so hot.

Any tips from the breadthern?

Last edited by Schlack; 06/25/12 10:44 PM.

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