I made blackeye beans in a spicy tomato sauce
I don't care what it says on the package, Schlack, those are Blackeyed PEAS. Ya I know they aren't round like a proper English Pea, but you're not a proper Englishman and they're peas allright. just like crowders, field peas, conch peas, purple hulls and pinkeyes.
Try that same recipe without the Wooster sauce and add in a healthy dose of Allspice and a dash of cayenne pepper for an Island Flavor. My mama thinks I'm crazy because I hate to shell peas and prefer dried Blackeys to fresh ones. I can't tell you how many hours I spent as a kid sitting on the front porch with a pan of peas on my lap and a bucket to throw the empty shells into. Neighbors, aunts and uncles, neighbor kids and cousins would all join in and everyone got a share.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...