That short video reminds me of a cat that used to own me. I'd gone to dinner with a date, and this man was so nice he'd brought me a dozen red roses. Prior to leaving my flat, I put the roses into a lovely vase, added water, and put them atop the refrigerator. I surrounded the flowers with boxes of cereal and other things to hide the flowers, all of which would fall down on her head if she tried to get to the long stemmed roses. I thought it a clever way to discourage any kitty foul play.

When we returned from a lovely meal, I invited this nice gentleman up for a cuppa, and so we could continue our conversation. He and I walked into the kitchen, and atop the fridge, found a dozen rose free long stems, with rose blossoms scattered across the kitchen floor. A few had been transformed into kitty hockey pucks. Foul play indeed.

One didn't need to be Sherlock Holmes to determine who was not guilty.

At that moment, there was a sound of a cell phone ringing. He answered, and hadn't thought that I'd overhear both sides of the conversation. On the other end, a woman's voice asked him to bring something nice to drink and pastries for breakfast. I swear she purred like a kitten. Parts of what I overheard cannot be posted on a site monitored by the FCC, if you get my drift.

He'd left the speaker function on. No matter, I have the hearing of a fruit bat.

He left without that cuppa and our conversation was certainly over. And out. He was very, very, very out.

I praised that cat for weeks. She had extraordinary sense of character. His. I knew enough to be grateful for having such a good watch-cat.

Gooooooooooood Kittie! violin

"I am young, whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy." ~~~ Kato Havas