
Which, under the plethora of statements from a Supreme Court that can't identify it using descriptive words, can recognize it only when they see it, makes Rand on of those X-weighted things that small children, sensitive adults, and many people of ordinary desires and average intelligence avoid. Or, if they are certain types of pastors, indulge in as often as possible, go to rehab, and then cry about it on late night TV. This causes people to wake up and cower in fear as the tear-stained face of such, ahem, leaders, beg for money as they sing Heaven Wants Me For A Sunbeam.

As for the black-robed guys sitting in a darkened room watching endless hours of film, rumor has it they do provide their own popcorn.

"I am young, whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy." ~~~ Kato Havas