I’ve given my Congressman, Jeff Miller (R) the opportunity to serve me. I requested his help obtaining a reply from the Jacksonville FBI office regarding my complaint. I enclosed copies of my FBI complaint and evidence in my EXPRESS MAIL envelope to the Honorable. I also faxed him a signed and dated CASEWORK AUTHORIZATION FORM. In my letter, I wrote that the Special Agent In Charge and Civil Rights Supervisor haven’t replied to my follow up letters inquiring about the status of my complaint. It’s been almost two months and if the FBI intended to reply they would have done so by now. So I’ve requested Rep Miller’s help in securing their reply.

Rep Miller found my VHS tape compelling. He wrote that this illegal surveillance was a federal matter, but suggested that I contact my State Rep Don Brown, who he believed would help. I wanted to resolve this discreetly and locally, too, but the FDLE’s and SAO’s arrogance and unaccountability made that impossible, so as Rep Miller suggested I phoned the Jacksonville FBI office. The FBI screener connected me with a FBI agent, who identified himself as Chris (he said that they don’t give their last names). I identified myself and gave my address. Chris didn’t question my veracity, but only if the devices were located on a public street or on private property. When convinced that they were on private property, Chris instructed me to write a brief letter to the Jacksonville FBI Civil Rights Supervisor.

All attempts to resolve this on-going violation of Constitutionally protected rights with Florida State authorities were met with stonewalling, lies, and cover-up. There’s not only an inherent conflict of interest with the FDLE and SAO investigating my charges, but also there are no effective checks and balances within this system. Both the FDLE and SAO maintain that there is no basis to my charges. I sent the FBI and Rep Miller a copy the West Florida Electric Cooperative Association’s Executive VP and CEO William S. Rimes’ reply to my request for an inspection of his lines for “bugs” in which he wrote:“We take your concerns seriously and have taken the following actions based on your letter and telephone conversation with my Executive Assistant: First, the appropriate employees have been briefed and assured me that WFEC is not involved. Second, we have forwarded this correspondence to the Sheriff of Holmes County for appropriate action. Lastly, this action has been coordinated with our Board president and attorney.” Both Rep Miller and Mr. Rimes’ found my charges credible, yet some FDLE and SAO clowns don’t. Hmmm, I wonder why?

A former FDLE Agent and others asked me: Why is this still going on? Good question. Why is this still going on? I asked Congressman Miller in my letter: Is this an example of the “freedom” that our troops are fighting to protect in Iraq?