As a little side documentation to this week's revelation of the extent of Bush Administration spying on Americans:

Ther was a program, proposed out of the Pentagon in 2002, called Total Information Awareness. It was meant to spy on all activities of all Americans: Phone calls, financial transaction, internet browsing... the works.

The prime backer of the project was Elliot Abrams, of weapons sales to Iran fame.

Even the Republicans balked at the program and deleted funding for it from appropriations and blocking any activity for it.

Once again, Bush considered laws passed by Congress to be just advisory and continued with the program anyway.

What will Republicans do about that now? Why block any action on the part of Democrats that would shed light on the extent of Bush Administration lawbreaking, of course.

And who will the spineless media and bloggers blame for this Republican sheltering of Bush? Why the Democrats, of course.