Originally Posted by Ezekiel
The powers that be will always find a justification for spying on their own citizens. And if they can do it out in the open so much the better, it reduces the risk of legal challenge.The sooner people realize that we are already living in a police state, the easier it will be to create a truly popular reaction against this. Obviously, that's a lot easier said than done. wink
Essentially the reason for the spying is command and control fueled by fear, loathing, distrust, and paranoia. TPTB send out their minions (mandarin class)much in the manner as the King's men performed kingly functions that were beneath their Sire. We're becoming 3 classes: the elite, mandarin class (officialdom),and serfs in a hi-tech new feudalism. You're right about doing it (spying)in the open. As you know, they just "legalize" it. We've been a police state for quite some time. Even some police officers don't realize the extent. The Patriot Act(s)just "legalized" what they've been doing for years. The NDAA was the last nail in the coffin.