Originally Posted by Greger
Hey I looked it up, sounds better than the dull scissors I use to hack my hair out of my eyes.
Things are lookin' up! ThumbsUp

Guests arrived - the wife's brother Dr. Dan from Oregon and niece Mia. I got a present - a bottle of Temperance Trader straight bourbon whiskey, batch no. 1, bottle no. 577. The distillery is a coupla blocks from his house. We'll taste that later this evening.

Just got off KP, peeling spuds for mashed potatoes. We're frikkin' steaming those taters, never heard o' that before. Got a line on free range heritage breed turkeys, that's going to be the standard from now on. They got ducks, too, if I can convince my chef to give'm a go.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller