Originally Posted by Ken Condon
My diet book reads: Eat less-exercise more.

Think that could be a best seller Joe?

Although these pages have shown I have eaten well in terms of nice food, I have lost 2 stone this year - Mrs Schlack too ( smaller portions, cutting out all incidental eating, using the frying pan a lot less and sadly no butter). Beer was except from the diet but, i would only usually drink once a week anyway. The key here for me has been consistent discipline. The battle against flab is won in the store, not in the kitchen. Dont bring the sh*te into your house.

Exercise is not all that helpful in losing weight as far as calorie burning goes. 15 mins on the exercise bike burns 70 calories. Dont think you can burn off a burger with a walk, however more exercise does train the body to use nutrients more efficently.

"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words."
(Philip K.Dick)