I braised a small pork sirloin tip roast the other night. Browned it well on all surfaces in olive+canola oil. Then put it in the crock pot with a few cups of water and some seasonings. Cooked it on high setting for 2.5 hours. The results were interesting because I had an identical dry roast pork sirloin to compare it to.

The dry roast was a tiny bit tougher (though this is essentially pork loin and quite tender no matter what), and had a much larger grain structure. It would sometimes crumble when I tried to slice it thinner than 1/4".

The braised roast had an indetectable grain structure and very dense surface appearance. I could slice it so thin I could see light through the slices. Much more moist and very uniform throughout.

I think more experiments are in order. In particular, I think the fluid use for braising could be designed to carry more flavor into the meat. I will try it with a tougher beef cut, since braising is supposed to make stuff very tender.