This should amuse all of us compulsive book organizers!!!

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but some bookstores seem to have a little problem discerning science from non-science.

I'm specifically talking about biology books vs. creationist books. Sometimes, you will find psuedo-scientific rubbish such as "intelligent design" books next to such authors as Darwin, Mayr, Gould, et al.

Booksellers are not scientists, maybe we shouldn't expect them to be able to discern between science and books desperately trying to wrap themselves in scientific credibility.

I, however, am a scientist - and I can clearly see when an error has been made when stocking the shelves of the science section.

It is my mission to correctly re-shelve books to the appropriate section of the bookstore.

I call on all readers to follow my example. Help your local bookstore correctly stock their science section. Spread the word.


Last edited by Opinionated Alien; 08/07/07 05:08 AM.

"And death is welcome, and death comes - and death is a quiet step into a sweet clean midnight."
- Marshall Davila, circa 1963