Originally Posted by Joe Keegan
Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
I've had gator, a couple of times.

Pretty tasty, until you've eaten a bit too much. Then the scent started to remind me of a dead lizard. Sort of like eating that second dozen frog legs.
I et beaver tail beavertail once.
Did it taste like chicken? Speaking of chicken, many years ago a woman who had served as an army nurse in the Philippines during WWII told me that there was this place that was popular with many of them because of the chicken. One day one of them asked the general (or some high ranking officer)to join them for the delicious chicken. He said that there's not one gd chicken in the Philippine islands. After a little investigation, they discovered that the "chicken" was actually rat. She said that they should have been suspicious because they always were always served only thighs.
The beavertail was like a rich, sweet beef, as I recall. I had bear, too, which is like really greasy pork. My Dad couldn't stand the smell of it cooking in the house (made him want to wommit), so we gave most of it away.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller