Maybe if I had Irish whisky I'd add it directly to the chef...!
Don't fret, lad, the chef started with hard cider, had a variety of fine wines, a buttery nipple somewhere along the line, a few locally brewed ales, some high grade marijuana, some hookah, a few cannibutter gingersnaps, a flagon of mead, and a glass of port.
I didn't get into the hard stuff because I was serving a feast to a bunch of Pagan revelers (and one Christian) but I managed to cop a bit of a buzz along the way.

We had Cincinnati Chili 3-ways for dinner tonight and I'm practicing hot water pastry crusts tonight. Schlack should be very familiar with these but all I've ever done is a regular pate brisee made with cold water. I figured it was way past time to learn this simple recipe.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...