One thing that I like as much as meatloaf is meatloaf sandwiches. Laura's right about the bread crumbs, including other dishes. I use a 50/50 ground beef/pork mix, and add a little horseradish, but essentially it's the same recipe. If you are a young person, not experienced in the fine art of meatloaf, and want to impress someone with your culinary skills, then begin with a meatloaf made with Hunt's Seasoned Sauce for Meatloaf and use Progresso Bread crumbs or some generic (I assure you that if you have peasant tastes like this peasant that it will taste good). It also makes a good sandwich (ketchup and mustard)and is relatively inexpensive (and you don't have to use beef/pork/veal, unless you have a friendly butcher). Get you 2 lbs of ground beef, instant Idaho mashed potatoes (I like the garlic), and whatever vegetable. This peasant loves this dish. If you want to learn how to cook Italian (like I do), then subscribe to her YouTube videos.