I have discovered that my local Albertson's market (a SuperValue chain) grinds up all of their leftover roasts and trimmings on Friday night before they close the meat department. They put it out in the usual ground beef cold case area, but at less than half their normal ground beef price per pound. (Usually $1.79/pound versus $3 something for the mass-produced stuff out of the giant chubs.) It is easy to see they ground it themselves, since it does not have the firmly-packed texture of their usual ground beef. (Makes very nice loose patties for frying.)

Interesting thing about this meat: They make no claims about the fat content, like they do on their regular packages. I guess they can't, since they don't know. Anyway, every time I have bought it, I think the fat content has been so low that no tallow is left in a frying pan after frying a patty! I know this is unsuitable for some recipes, but they normally charge a premium price for low fat ground beef.

I buy three to five pounds, when I can find it, and cook up some meat loaf or barbeque some patties to put in the freezer. Then anytime we need an easy meal, we can just take out enough for one or two people and microwave it.