All are welcome! I restocked the bar and there's plenty of the local brew on hand.
I'll call the circle around 6:00 and all who wish may take part in the smudging and purification ceremony. We will honour the goddess Eostre and the god I've chosen for the evening is Kokopelli, an American Indian fertility god.
Then the feast begins.
Sounds lovely, Greger. I'm a big fan of Kokopelli...his image appears around Casa SuZQ in more than one place. But, I think I'd have to pass on the bunny fare. I'm certain it probably tastes divine, but I just have this hang up about eating little furry creatures, no matter what their current state (I'd keep conjuring up images of Peter Rabbit hopping around in my head, I'm afraid).

I am heading towards Florida soon...unfortunately, not until later in April. Sorry I'll miss the festivities.