The wife is gone to League City, TX, to hang with her Mom, who just had carpal tunnel surgery, so I'm grazing around for myself.

Tonight I picked three kinds of lettuce and some spinach before covering the beds to keep the dam deer out for the night. Snatched a little green onion, too, for a salad with mushrooms and olives and a bit of ranch dressing. Along side were two nuked leftover pork ribs that we barbied on the Cobb before she left.

Fifteen minutes from alive in the garden to mastication - the greens were almost fat in the mouth. Mmmmm!

The Jack Russells appreciated the bones and Vinnie the Cat got to lick the plate.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller