I sent FL Gov. Rick Scott a letter last month requesting the appointment of a special prosecutor (outside the 14th Judicial District)to investigate charges of illegal surveillance by law enforcement and to investigate State Attorney Glenn Hess' failure to respond to a FL Public Record Request (a criminal offense). I also sent copies of my letter to each member of the FL Senate. Only one replied. Senator Joe Negron said that he forwarded my correspondence to my own senator, Don Gaetz. I had also sent a copy of my letter to Gaetz, but he didn't reply. After 3 weeks when the Governor still hadn't replied, I requested Sen. Gaetz's office to ask the governor on my behalf why he hadn't replied to my letter. They agreed. After a few weeks passed, I contacted Sen. Gaetz's office for an update. They supposedly hadn't asked the Gov. yet and stopped replying to my inquiries.

Both Gov. Scott and Sen. Gaetz are purportedly constitutional, rule of law, and transparency in government believing conservatives. I think not. It's just political shtick. So I petitioned the White House to ask FL Gov Scott why he didn't reply to my letter, because that's what it will take. You'd think a simple yes or no wouldn't be so hard to get.