Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
My wife's friend gave us a Tahitian Squash she grew in her backyard garden. A bit obscene looking, but quite delicious. My wife has made baked squash, steamed squash, vegetable stew, stir fry, and squash soup so far and we still have about 1/2 the thing left!

It is very sweet, unless you refrigerate it where the sugar turns to starch. But interesting thing is that you can chop off as much as you want and then just wrap a bit of plastic wrap around the cut end and leave it out on the counter. We served some baked at Christmas dinner, and the same squash is still good just sitting there at room temperature!

It does have some seeds in the middle of the spherical part at the end, but none at all in the long, thick "stem".

I would love to try that squash!

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.