Dear Chief Inspector General Miguel,

I received a letter, dated April 8, 2014, from Heather Robinson, Investigations Manager, Office of the Chief Inspector General, regarding Case # 201401310007. Did you forward Ms. Robinson my actual complaint, which I mailed to you? She apparently mistook the copy of my Request for Appointment of a Special Prosecutor[/b]and related documents that I included with my complaint as my complaint. I included these documents, obtained through a Public Records Request, to show that: 1) The Governor’s Office received my letter; and, 2) Citizen Service’s case history action sheet indicates that “No Reply Necessary,” [b]which is the abuse that I reported, because the non reply violates their own written policies, Sections 14.26 and 23.30, Florida Statues, and the Governor’s Code of Ethics. Again, I identified the purpose of my complaint, which was simply to get a reply to my letter, and I identified Warren Davis (who’s listed on the Citizen Services history sheet as “Coordinator”) as the employee responsible for this abuse.

Investigations Manager Heather Robinson wrote, “This office does not have jurisdiction over criminal matters.” How is not replying to a letter a criminal matter? Unless, is she saying that for the Office of the Governor not to reply is a criminal matter in this particular case? If so, then surely Governor Scott, as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the state, would want to know about it? Ms. Robinson concluded, “This office finds no information warranting further action at this time. As such, we consider these matters closed.” Ms. Robinson is mistaken. All the information that Ms. Robinson and the OIG staff had to find was a reply to my letter or why a reply wasn’t required. The Governor’s Office either replied or they didn’t. It’s that simple. The “further action” warranted is for your office to find out why I haven’t received any reply.

Joe Keegan