I filed a complaint, dated May 10, 2014, against attorney Antonacci,with the Florida Bar. I enclosed my Request for the Appointment of a Special Prosecutor as one of the exhibits.

In PART THREE of the complaint, I wrote:

If Governor Scott doesn't know about my Request for the Appointment of a Special Prosecutor, then he should. As the chief law enforcement officer in Florida, Gov. Scott should know about this on-going abuse, which violates not only the Florida and US Constitutions but also plain decency. Both Florida law enforcement and the 14th Judicial District have an inherent conflict of interest in investigating themselves. As a Florida citizen, I have a right to request the appointment of a Special Prosecutor and to expect a reply to my request from the Governor.

Attorney Peter Antonacci has a moral, ethical, and legal duty to reveal this on-going criminal abuse and cover-up to Gov. Scott. By refusing to do so, he's participating in the cover-up