I know this thread is primarily for fiction, but the book I'm reading now deserves attention, so I'm jumping in. The title is "1 Dead in Attic," written by Chris Rose, who was with the NO Times-Picayune at the time of Katrina and the months (years, now) afterward.

The book is a collection of his columns from the newspaper, but they are unlike any newspaper columns I've ever read. His love for the city, his anger at its government, and much more come straight from mind/heart to the page, with no holds barred.

I heard an interview yesterday in which he said that some of the columns probably should not have been published in a newspaper; as he put it, the book is the record of "a man slowly going mad."

There are so many emotions in this book, it's a bit like watching a trainwreck in slow motion. I'm not sure it can properly be called journalism; whatever it is, it's one of the most fascinating books I've read in awhile.

A 45’s quicker than 409
Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time
Betty’s bein’ bad