I see everybody is determined to dismiss idiot Trump out of hand. The general consensus is that he will fail. The problem is that his numbers simply continue to climb. Now some of the other republican candidates are starting to not only agree but go a bit further. I see that one wants to use drones to kill anybody crossing the border, for instance. Trump, in other words, whether he wins or loses, seems to be framing the Republican meme and folks seem to be buying it. As far as I can tell he doesn't have a single fact right yet he remains the most admired of the Republicans. There is also evidence that much of his support also comes from the left. He is, in other words, running as the guy on the white horse and people seem to be actually buying it!

I also find it interesting that he, obviously, has tamed his competition. They are, for the most part, behaving exactly like the Democrats do when attacked, by the right, by fantasy, innuendo and lies - lie down, take it, and believe it will all go away eventually. Perhaps this is a coping mechanism by politicians. Trump, of course, obviously keeps a file on every competitor and has no qualms attacking with any personal attack that is available so, rather than actually compete at that level, they simply rollover and hope. In other words, when it comes to personal attack the politicians, on both sides, refuse to play. Obamacare, for instance, is a great example of getting demonized because of lack of response. If you doubt this one google "demonization of obamacare". Other examples would be climate change and the Iran deal, I think.