A thought, since Trump seems to be completely discounted. How about this one. A couple of months ago Trump and Cruz had a sitdown. Since then neither has even mentioned the other and Cruz seems to be taking a kindofa high road. We should also never forget about Cruz. This is a man who graduated Harvard at close to the top of his class, was a noted debater and, whether you like him or not, those who know him also know him to be VERY smart. The talking heads also generally agree that if/when Trump goes down Cruz will take over that real estate.

Cruz's father, a failed drunk and current goddite, has proclaimed his son has been chosen, by God, to be the leader of America. Cruz himself recently announced that the only real way to save America is to make Christianity the national religion (obviously, he loves the constitution but wants a few 'minor' changes - not unlike many who 'love' the constitution). Anyway, it will be interesting how this one plays out?