I tried to watch the big Republican debate. I fell asleep after about 20 minutes. It dawned on me that I have forgotten something about the American electorate which may be pertinent to Trump. I have found that whenever Trump has a speech, or anything else, he says, pretty much, the same things, over and over again. I think its safe to say that the American electorate has a short attention span, is fickle, and easily bored. My thought is that will, eventually, take care of Trump as he will simply bore everybody, but the true, and ignorant, believers who may take a bit longer before they too are bored out their minds. After all, how many times do people need to hear "I am the great and wonderful Trump", "I will build a wall", "I am incredibly rich and powerful", and "America will be great", "I am smarter than anybody else", etc.

I was convinced that Trump was our man on the white horse which scared the hell out of me. As far as I can tell his true skill is in telling the big lie, again, and again, and again. A technique right out of Hitler's playbook. (if you tell it loud enough, and often enough, it will become the truth - also used by a variety of Republican 'contributors'). Now, however, I don't think his lie is big enough, or colorful enough, to keep his particular segment of the American electorate to remain awake much longer (hopefully).